MCS 24/25 Membership Subs


Hello everyone and welcome to April 🌱

Today marks the start of our new membership year. A huge thank you to all of you who have signed up and paid your subs for the 24/25 membership year πŸ™To everyone else, your membership (from 23/24) has now expired πŸ™€

To keep access to all the wonderful things that MCS offers, click here or go to the β€œjoin” page on the MCS website. Then select your membership package then follow the steps to sign into your LTA account and pay by card πŸ’Έ If you get stuck, please use the link at the top of the JOIN page to get in touch.

πŸ”“ Padlock code - You be emailed a new code when you renew. The padlock codes will be changed on Wednesday