A message from our chairperson

A message from our chairperson

Dear Members

I have recently been informed that on the 29th December, our landlord was verbally abused by someone who was playing tennis.  Our landlord was out and about with the hunt and saw someone playing so basically went in to say hello.  What he received was an unpleasant verbal tirade with words such as “Barbarian” – for being part of the hunt.  The court was not booked out at that time so we are unable to confirm who was responsible.

This behaviour is unacceptable and is incredibly embarrassing for our club for it to have been directed at our landlord.  We are all entitled to our opinions, of course we are, but to take it upon oneself to verbally abuse a member of the public whilst on our Club grounds is so far beyond acceptable behaviour for our members that words fail me.  My only hope is that it was not actually a member but someone playing with a member.

So please remember that when you are at MCS Tennis Club you are representing the club, and this is not acceptable behaviour.  EVER.

Kind Regards